The finest of the finest 2020 has to offer.
A luxury art jewelry, Dani Cremer started with men's jewelry before it was popular like today. at 1985 Dani cremer felt there isn't enough jewelry market for men. Rings for men, were not a easy find, the internet yet to evolve. he started by selling on the streets, until he opened his shop in 1995. Through the years he started making jewelry for women as well. Exploring the women's jewelry industry For years but from a male perspective. nowadays Dani Cremer grow to a family business. Dani's daughter Noam, his son Omer, and Rachel, Dani's wife are helping with the styling, the advertising and sales. we make mostly custom made rings for Women and Men, all shapes, styles, and sizes, with every crazy idea we are here to help you choose the right jewelry for YOU. lord of the rings inspired theme ring, Gold Rings, Silver Rings, engagement ring, marriage ring, custom made ring, Enamel Rings, Power Rings, one ring to rule them all, special rings for men and women, special orders, custom made high quality, high class.
for custom made jewelry by your fitting. please contact us.